Breakfast seminar Norway

Practical GenAI: Real Tools, Real Results


Elevate Your Daily Tasks with AI: Learn How to Implement GenAI for Real-World Impact

Artificial Intelligence is more than just a buzzword—it's a game-changer for businesses ready to embrace it. But with so much noise around AI, how do you cut through the hype and apply AI practically? In our upcoming breakfast seminar, "Practical GenAI: Real Tools, Real Results," we’re stepping out of the AI echo chamber to show you examples of how to get started with AI, using powerful tools like Microsoft Copilot in ServiceNow.

Join us to discover how Elisa and The Cloud People help businesses find added value with Generative AI (GenAI). This is your chance to see AI in action and learn how it can elevate your daily tasks.

In this seminar, we will cover:

  • Understanding AI Terminology: Get clear on the different terms of AI and what they mean for your business.
  • AI in Practice: Discover where AI works effectively and where it doesn’t, with real-world examples.
  • Bridging the Gap: See how Elisa bridges the gap between users and systems using GenAI.
  • Improved Workflows: How to improve efficiency on your workflows utilising GenAI and large language models
  • Getting Started with AI: Top points you need to address when starting your AI journey.
  • Business Use Case Demo: Watch a  demonstration of AI in action, solving real business challenges.


Date: Thursday 19. September
Time: 08.30-10.00
Place: The Cloud People's offices in Drammensveien 126A, Oslo (See map)

Sign up for seminar 19 September